A Better Way to Buy American

Buying American is about so much more than simply buying American-made products. We truly buy American only when we buy American-made products from American-owned companies–that’s what keeps more jobs, more profits, and more tax revenue within our national borders.

American-owned companies typically pay more taxes to our U.S. Treasury, employ more American workers, and use more domestic parts in their products than foreign-owned companies. Want to learn more?




Local businesses don’t just sell goods; they build community, support families, and keep our towns vibrant. It’s easier than you’d think to skip the enormous e-commerce sites and explore some of these local gems that support your neighbors. Our region is packed with incredible local…

American Made – Union Made

Over 2,000 American-made and union-made listings!

Click here

Have Roger speak at your upcoming
meeting, seminar, conference, or convention!

Roger Simmermaker knows the Buy American movement. He studies it, writes about it, and most importantly…he lives it. As a speaker, he captivates audiences because Buy American is not just a talking topic, it’s Roger’s passion.

Click here to Request Roger.

Click on our Legacy website to see previous posts & articles from 1996 to 2021.

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