How Americans Can Buy American – 3rd Edition


Many Americans are looking for ways to display their patriotism beyond simply flying the American flag. “How Americans Can Buy American: The Power of Consumer Patriotism” shows you how to do it without having to spend extra time or money.

From concerns over outsourcing and the danger of Chinese imports to the debate about how to get our economy back on track, there has never been such a strong link between patriotism and the pocketbook for so many American consumers. This book shows the consumer the importance of not only buying American-made products, but those made by American-owned companies.

Contains over 20,000 American and foreign products and services, along with over 2,000 union-made, American-made products.

Additional information

Weight 24.6 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1.125 in

How Americans Can Buy American 3rd Edition, All 3 Editions of How Americans Can Buy American