China Solar Company, Accused Of Circumventing Tariffs, Wants To Set Up Shop In Texas Free Trade Zone

The Department of Commerce has found that Trina Solar engaged in dumping and corporate subsidies for its exports of solar cells and modules since 2011. In their first solar case in 2012, Trina Solar was hit with 92.52% dumping charges and countervailing rates as high as 19.20%. Then in 2014, Trina received dumping charges of 26.71% and countervailing rates as high as 49.79%. And then Trina was hit again in 2023.

Granting Trina Solar access to the Texas FTZ despite Trina’s AD/CVD circumvention history would deal a critical blow to the credibility of the FTZ Board and the foreign trade zone program generally.

If Trina does not get into the FTZ in Texas, they may cancel their September 2023 planned investment. Trina is building a factory in Mexico and can eventually ship solar here duty-free under the USMCA.

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